What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles at strategic points into the body at different locations and depths. Acupuncture treatment is completely safe as it is approved by the (WHO).

What is the purpose of
acupuncture treatment?

  • used for patients whose bodies do not respond to analgesics.
  • relieve pain instead of taking analgesics.
  • used to numb people who are allergic to medical anesthesia.

Which diseases can be cured by acupuncture?

Muscles pain
respiratory system diseases
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Effects of chemotherapy
Back pains
Head and neck pains
Reproductive problems

Altneen Center

Many cases have been treated and recovered at Altneen center including (Strokes - Reproductive problems - Seventh nerve - muscle pain, etc..)

المعالجين ؟

ساعد مركز التنين الصيني في علاج واستشفاء العديد من الحالات مثل: (الجلطات – مشاكل الإنجاب – العصب السابع- الآلام العضلات وغيرها من الحالات التي لا حصر لها.

Why us?

Many cases have been treated and recovered at Altneen center including (Strokes - Reproductive problems - Seventh nerve - muscle pain, etc..)

Altneen center

We are certified by the (National Center for Alternative Medicine).

Help patients

Our main purpose is to help patients to restore their physical health and quality of life.

The latest healing technologies

Use the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily.


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and get the best


Everything you need to know about Acupuncture


Cupping Therapy

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